Stupid workers load digger at truck

Excavator for local street construction set: $18.795
Volvo Truck for carrying the digger: $45.950
Ramp for load excavator onto the truck: $745
Forgetting it: stupid and no comment
Giving the observers of the road work an incredible view of loading the on the truck:

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Stupid VW Golf GTI presentation at Woerthersee Austria

Graduation at secondary school: free
Spending time with friends and not learning for exams: no comment
Job at McDonalds where you clean the tables: little earnings
Investing all your earned money in your stupid VW Golf GTI: $98,375.00
Realising that you should have learned better english than investing time and money in your car: no comment
Not beeing able to present your car facts to some foreign tv show reporter and blaming yourself:

PS: sorry for that, but it’s not a VW Golf GTi, but a VW Corrado

Stupid driver 06

Stupid driver parking his BMW in front of a fire hydrant

1 x Shiny BMW: $39,990
1 x Parking ticket: $75
2 x New BMW windows: $587
Realising that you really shouldn’t have parked in front of that fire hydrant after all: