Gestational diabetes: causes, research, treatment of diabetes during pregnancy

Every woman expecting a baby should be tested for gestational diabetes. His result surprises many expectant mothers who do not suspect that they may get diabetes during pregnancy. Where does this ailment come from?
Gestational diabetes can affect any expectant mother. This type of diabetes is associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy and usually goes away after childbirth. Despite this, this disease should not be underestimated, because if it is not treated, it can be dangerous for both mother and child.
Gestational diabetes - causes.
Gestational diabetes is caused by pregnancy hormones that disrupt insulin production, which in turn causes an increase in blood glucose levels. With diabetes during pregnancy, insulin in the body is partially blocked by other hormones, the amount of which increases during pregnancy.
Insulin resistance develops, that is, the sensitivity of cells to insulin decreases. Pancreatic cells produce more and more insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels. And then - usually around 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, there is an overload of the pancreas and gestational diabetes develops.
Gestational diabetes - symptoms.
An alarm signal is the presence of sugar in the urine or too high a level of sugar in the blood - this is detected during a pregnancy examination.
What should bother you:
thirst, as usual, more frequent urination and large amounts, fatigue and drowsiness, dizziness.
These signals can be alarming, and you should tell your doctor to confirm or rule out gestational diabetes as soon as possible. Diagnosis of this disease is carried out in stages.
Diabetes during pregnancy - a study.
In most women, gestational diabetes has no symptoms or is confused with the poor health of pregnant women. That's why blood sugar tests have to be done multiple times.
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes: trial.
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes: test two.
The nurse takes blood on an empty stomach and prepares a mixture for drinking. You need to drink a glass of water in which 50 g of glucose is dissolved - this is a very sweet liquid. You can buy your own pharmacy, for example, with lemon flavor. An hour later, the blood is collected for the second time.
Norms of the sugar curve for pregnant women.
Glucose test results may indicate gestational diabetes if:
above 100 mg / dl on an empty stomach, above 180 mg / dl after an hour, above 153 mg / dl 2 hours after consuming the solution.
One exceeded result is enough to talk about gestational diabetes. If it is higher, but does not exceed 180 mg% (a higher result indicates diabetes), the woman belongs to the so-called diagnostic test.
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes: the third test.
In case of an incorrect result, the doctor recommends loading 75 grams of glucose, i.e. the sugar curve. This test measures the fasting blood sugar level before giving the solution, 1 hour and 2 hours after drinking.
Diabetes during pregnancy - treatment.
Since the problem with this disease is too high sugar levels during pregnancy, it is important to make sure that it does not increase and control glucose levels. Preferably:
adherence to a low-carb diet, frequent but small meals (7-8 times a day), regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, keeping records of your diet and well-being.
Adequate nutrition, the care of specialists (gynecologist and diabetologist), and sometimes taking insulin, allow you to control diabetes during pregnancy and significantly reduce the risk of complications.
Gestational diabetes - complications and dangers.
Complications of untreated or advanced gestational diabetes include:
high birth weight (more than 4 kg), greater risk of miscarriage, greater risk of birth defects in the child (heart, kidneys, bone system, brain).
Usually, after the birth of a child, hormones return to normal, and diabetes itself passes. However, women who have had diabetes may have type 2 diabetes in the future.
Diet for gestational diabetes.
A diabetologist sets a diet for pregnant women with diabetes. His most important rules are:
eat often (6-8 meals a day, every 3-4 hours) in small portions, eat dairy products, fish, meat, vegetables, limiting sugar and simple carbohydrates (white flour, light bread). They are responsible for a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. It is better to choose bread from unseeded flour, buckwheat, millet, limit the use of sweet fruits, it is better to choose less sweet (that is, currants and apples instead of watermelon, pears and grapes) instead of sweet drinks and drinking water for juices.
From the first month of pregnancy, you need to control the amount of simple sugars that you eat. The same applies to subsequent pregnancies - the probability of recurrence of gestational diabetes is high, so you should follow a diabetic diet from the very beginning of your next pregnancy.
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Doctor's Statement: Symptoms and treatment of gestational diabetes - listen (AUDIO)
Gestational diabetes - the most important questions and answers.
1. Should you avoid sugar like fire?
No. Glucose is necessary. Energy is created from it, thanks to which all cells of the body can function. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps in this process.
When the pancreas cannot produce this or produces enough, blood sugar levels increase dangerously. Then we're talking about diabetes.
2. Do such problems often appear?
No. In 3-4% of expectant mothers, the effect of insulin is disrupted or even leveled by other pregnancy hormones - mainly lactogen (necessary for milk production).
3. Does diabetes persist throughout pregnancy?
No. It usually appears only in the second or third trimester, that is, about 24-28. weeks of pregnancy. Usually disappears within 6-8 weeks after delivery. Unfortunately, half of the women who have it may have type 2 diabetes in the future.
4. Is it easy to detect?
Yes. Every expectant mother in the care of a gynecologist has blood tests for diabetes. They are performed twice - at the beginning of pregnancy and between 24 and 28 weeks.
5. Do I need to check my sugar level before giving birth?
Yes. Only when your diabetes has been diagnosed should you do it regularly. Lowering and normalization of blood glucose levels are necessary for the safety of a growing child.
Such control can be easily carried out at home thanks to a glucometer - a small device in the form of a pen with which a finger is pierced. If you don't know how to choose such a device, be sure to check out our rating of the best blood glucose meters.
6. Do I need a special diet for gestational diabetes?
Yes. You need to keep track of what you eat and how much you eat, and keep track of your weight. Eat a small but valuable meal 5-6 times a day. Best of all, white meat, lean meat, fish. Whole grains, not very sweet fruits (of course, not grapes and bananas), vegetables (especially green ones) are good for health.
Give up white bread, replace animal fat with vegetable products. Avoid high-calorie foods, especially snacks and sugar: sweets, chocolate and cakes fall out Drink a lot of still water, preferably 2.5 liters per day.
7. Do I need to change my lifestyle?
Yes. Movement is important for diabetes - during training, the body uses glucose in the blood and improves its transport to cells.
It's enough that you walk for half an hour 5 times a week, and your blood sugar level is much lower. Efforts to mobilize all muscle groups are also excellent.
8. Do I need to take any medications for gestational diabetes?
No. Diet and exercise are sometimes enough to lower blood sugar levels. Sometimes, however, you need insulin for injection, but your pregnancy doctor will make the decision.
9. Can this disease cause other diseases?
Yes. Without treatment, gestational diabetes can be dangerous for you and your baby. It also happens that he does not leave after giving birth.
10. Does gestational diabetes affect the health of the child?
Yes. If the disease is neglected. A high blood glucose level in the mother means a high sugar level in the child, and this can lead to malformations. Children with diabetes are usually larger than other newborns because insulin acts as a growth hormone.
Then very often childbirth ends with a caesarean section. It is necessary to monitor newborns with mothers who have diabetes, because a sudden drop in sugar after cutting the umbilical cord can cause a hypoglycemic coma.
11. Gestational diabetes - what contributes to this?
obesity or diabetes in the family, the appearance of diabetes during a previous pregnancy, we are over 35 years old, and a large increase in body weight in the first trimester. Homemade porn USA.