A little bit about possums at home

Sugar possum is a marsupial flying squirrel, which is also called a small squirrel, which has managed to gain popularity all over the world. Many people just dream of keeping such an unusual animal at home, but what problems will they have to face, and is it worth having such an exotic animal?Let's try to find out.The sugar possum has a number of habits that directly follow from their physiology, and which must be taken into account before the animal is brought home. Your house may simply not correspond to the content of these pets, or simply because of their characteristics, you are not ready to keep them and provide the animals with proper care. So, what do you need to know?First of all, possums are flying animals, they easily glide through the air, their jumps can be up to 50 meters in length. Therefore, such unusual animals require a lot of space to fly, and small cages will definitely not suit them; it is best to build a spacious aviary. The aviary is made of iron, the mesh should be small in size. The main thing is that the structure is safe for the rodent to live there.It is necessary to install wheels for small rodents, hang a vine or ropes, place branches in it - all these devices will enable possum to lead an active lifestyle.It is not recommended to release a sugar possum in a house or apartment so that it can move freely around the living room - the animal is wild, it is not so easy to tame it. In addition, males of sugar possums have a habit of marking the entire territory that they consider their own. And this is not entirely hygienic.Another important feature of sugar possums: in their habitual habitat, they lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and even the most persistent and caring owner will not be able to rebuild the biological clock of the animal. So the owners of such animals need to be prepared for screams, howling and noise at night. It is better to put the pet in a separate room so that your household can rest.Most often, the causes of all diseases in a sugar possum are its excess weight, and therefore a proper and balanced diet is of great importance in the maintenance of such an animal. First of all, prohibited foods should be avoided in the possum diet, which include cheese, lettuce, nuts in large quantities, grapes, poultry feed, raisins, chocolate. The main part of the diet of sugar possums - more than 70% - should be fruits, the remaining 30% are protein foods. It is important for an animal to get as much calcium as possible, and limit its intake of phosphorus. Live food is very useful for possums, grasshoppers, zoophobuses, and less often mealworms are usually used as it. Also, many possums like milk and meat baby purees, muesli, yoghurts with low fat content.Sugar possums are very smart and quick-witted animals, they have individual characteristics, interesting habits and often a complex character. It will not be difficult to keep such an animal at home, but the impressions of communicating with it will remain for a long time. Suchen Sie nach einem guten Online Casino? Bei www.oesterreichcasino.com liegen Sie richtig! Hier finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen und Tipps rund um das Casino Spiel im Internet oder in den Casinos Austria.