Stupid sliding accident on the beach

Tickets to spain: $495
Holtel room for one week: $348
Bodyboard in a local “here-you-can-buy-everything”-store:$9.95
Trying to slide into the water on your new bought bodyboard like the little kids do but nearly breaking your neck on that stunt:

Stupid driver 08

A stupid driver centering his truck

GMC Sierra Z1: $33,000
Ticket to the SAMSUNG 500: $100
Beer and Souvenirs: $85
High-centering your truck trying to cut in line in the parking lot:

Stupid driver 07 – its a woman…

Stupid woman driving her hell-expensive car nearly into the sea

Cheap looking H&M outfit: $75
Hair dye to be blonde: $29
Finding a stupid boyfriend who makes you a 4 wheeled gift: spreading legs
Beeing the most stupid driver in the harbour and mixing up break with gas: